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US Navy awards VOS Systems a Contract for Contact Tracing

01/21/21—On September 30, 2020, the Crane Division of the United States Naval Surface Warfare Center contracted VOS Systems, LLC to prototype an effective digital contact tracing system to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in a complex shipboard environment. Utilizing US-based manufacturing and development, VOS Systems engineered solutions for use with its contact tracing device, AlertTrace, enabling sailors to safely maintain daily operations during the ongoing pandemic.

January 20, 2021 – GAINESVILLE, Florida – VOS Systems, LLC, makers of AlertTrace, announced today its partnership with the United States Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division, to safeguard service members from COVID-19. AlertTrace is an accurate and affordable contact tracing solution with user-friendly software, encrypted and secured anonymous data for maximum privacy protection, and no tracking or GPS capabilities. “All devices using radio frequency have a difficult time collecting accurate information onboard a naval vessel.  We determined that device placement and using the VOS Systems auto-calibration firmware gave AlertTrace a high degree of accuracy that other contact tracing systems could not match,” said VOS Systems CIO, Nir Livay.

At slightly larger than a U.S. quarter, AlertTrace is a device that actively detects other AlertTrace devices within a customized range and registers it as a contact. If an individual tests positive for a contagious infection, the system will quickly identify that person’s historical anonymized contacts. This enables exposed individuals to be quarantined, while the unexposed population can safely continue their essential activities.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted that contact tracing is key to combatting the spread of COVID-19, and that digital contact tracing tools can add speed and efficiency to the traditional contact tracing process. Reports from AlertTrace deployments support this, illustrating improvements of more than 80% in adherence to COVID-19 guidelines, and a 99% decrease in the amount of time needed to conduct contact tracing. The data-driven support AlertTrace provides frees up much-needed resources and enables the Navy to continue to provide the secure environment sailors and personnel need to focus on their mission. “We are excited to work with the Navy to help protect service members from COVID-19,” says Managing Director Richard Allen. “AlertTrace will serve them in this crisis and with other infectious diseases in the future.”

For more information on AlertTrace, contact us today!

About VOS Systems, LLC

AlertTrace optimizes adherence to social distancing guidelines and provides unintrusive and private electronic contact tracing. VOS Systems, LLC – the company behind AlertTrace – has been enabling companies and organizations of all sizes to make data-driven decisions to increase the health and safety of their communities and keep their businesses open responsibly.

Media – Ashley Dodd
Sales – Steven Vores